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6th Organizing Meeting

June 18, 2024

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM EST.

Roll Call

Present: Joanna, Jose, Marx, Aliza, Cameron Absent: Keegan Advisor present: Reem

Old Business

Brief updates were provided on the following:

  • General Chair: Outreach to potential partners
  • Program Chair: YPA collaboration, September event planning
  • Impact Chair: TikTok video development
  • Logistics Chair: Venue search, budget sheet

The committee reviewed the well-being check-in process and UNGA79 timeline.

New Business

The committee discussed:

  • Venue options for September event (DC vs NYC)
  • Event overview, task management, and key dependencies
  • Section planning for keynote, panels, and breakout sessions
  • Timeline revisions
  • Budget consolidation for 2024 event
  • Potential partners, including international and student organizations
  • SXSW proposal

Motions and Voting

  1. Event venue location Motion: Hold the September event in NYC Result: Passed (4 in favor, 2 opposed)

  2. Speaker compensation Motion: Provide $400 travel accommodations for youth speakers Result: Passed unanimously

  3. Non-youth speaker appreciation Motion: Provide non-monetary acknowledgement/appreciation to non-youth speakers Result: Passed unanimously

  4. Venue decision timeline Motion: Keep venue options open for further consideration Result: Passed (4 in favor, 2 opposed)

Action Items

  • Continue venue search and finalize decision
  • Consolidate event overview, tasks, and timeline
  • Finalize budget for 2024 event
  • Follow up with potential partners
  • Develop SXSW proposal


The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM EST. The next meeting will be scheduled via the committee's usual communication channels.

Minutes submitted by: Marx