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11th Organizing Meeting

Attendees: [Not specified]

New Business/Action Items:

  1. Partnerships: a. JED Foundation update b. AAP collaboration:
    • Speaker consideration
    • Programming details discussion
  2. Program Development: a. 1st Panel:
    • Two non-youth speakers confirmed
    • Two youth speakers confirmed b. 2nd Panel:
    • Two speakers confirmed c. UN Administration:
    • Review of convenor resources and new requirements
    • To-do list: Speaker & registration info update, session pre-report submission by August 15th
    • Explore cross-promotion opportunities with other UNGA events
  3. International Cohort:
    • Discussion of potential international youth representatives
  4. Marketing: a. Eventbrite page created b. Flyer design in progress
  5. UN Involvement: a. Report due August 15, 2024 b. Update requested from Cameron
  6. Impact Planning: a. Research update requested from Cameron b. Review of impact plan timeline
  7. Guest Invitations:
    • Committee members (except Marx and Aliza) to suggest invitees
  8. Active Minds 2024 Conference:
    • Discussion of potential involvement or attendance

Action Items:

  1. Follow up on partnership discussions with JED Foundation and AAP
  2. Finalize panel speakers and confirm logistics
  3. Review and complete UN administration requirements
  4. Progress on international cohort selection
  5. Finalize marketing materials
  6. Prepare UN report for August 15th deadline
  7. Advance impact research and planning
  8. Compile guest invitation list
  9. Decide on Active Minds 2024 Conference involvement

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be scheduled via the committee's usual communication channels.

Note: These minutes have been edited to remove personal information and potential liability issues. All deadlines and action items should be considered tentative and subject to change.