13th Organizing Meeting
Attendees: [Not specified]
New Business/Action Items:
1. Audience Engagement:
a. Finalizing youth advocates and panel 2 speakers list
b. Confirming hotel accommodations
2. Marketing:
a. Developing core message focusing on:
- Combating power dynamics in behavioral health
- Demonstrating personal agency and passion as drivers of youth advocacy
3. Panel 2 Speaker & Cohort:
a. Confirming speakers and arranging travel accommodations
b. Scheduling initial meetings with potential international speakers
c. Finalizing FYP 2025 memo
4. Impact Planning:
a. Developing international speaker strategy
b. Finalizing overall impact plan, including TikTok strategy
5. Invitations:
a. Responding to various organization inquiries
b. Drafting and sending speaker and general invitation emails
6. Speaker/Cohort Management:
a. Updating FYP Wiki and conducting interviews
b. Collecting marketing materials (photos, graphics, videos)
c. Gathering speaker information
7. International Engagement:
a. Creating informational brochure for international participants
b. Developing overall plan for international individuals and organizations
8. Research:
a. Pushing forward research initiatives
b. Conducting study on hash mail
c. Focusing on winter student marketing
Old Business/Standup Report:
- Progress updates on speaker confirmations
- Marketing material finalization
- Attendee list development
- Capacity verification
- Survey and quote number discussion
Action Items:
1. Finalize youth advocates and panel 2 speakers list
2. Confirm hotel accommodations
3. Develop and implement marketing core message
4. Schedule meetings with potential international speakers
5. Finalize impact plan and TikTok strategy
6. Respond to organization inquiries and send invitation emails
7. Collect necessary materials from speakers/cohort
8. Create international participant brochure
9. Push forward research initiatives
10. Develop social media campaign
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be scheduled via the committee's usual communication channels.
Note: These minutes have been edited to remove personal information. All deadlines and action items should be considered tentative and subject to change.
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