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12th Organizing Meeting

Attendees: [Not specified]

New Business/Action Items:

1. Speaker/Cohort Status Update:
   a. FYP-related tasks: Wiki, Interviews
   b. Marketing: Promotions, Photos, Organizational outreach
   c. Speaker information collection
   d. Review of last year's proceedings
   e. Research status

2. Speaker Confirmations and Follow-ups:
   - Several potential speakers identified, with varying response statuses
   - Committee members assigned to follow up with specific individuals

3. Panel Revisions:
   a. Panel 1: Status update requested
   b. Panel 2: Potential speaker changes discussed

4. Research Development:
   a. Survey question revision
      - Workshop planned to assess relevance and cultural appropriateness
      - Cognitive interviews to be conducted
      - Participatory analysis of pilot results

5. Attendee List:
   - Internal memo for FYP 2025 to be prepared

6. Program Structure:
   - Suggestion to reframe event structure discussed

7. Action Items for Committee Members:
   - Specific tasks assigned to Aliza, Cameron, Reem, Jose/Keegan, Marx, and Joanna
   - Tasks include speaker invitations, audience outreach, research development, marketing, partnerships, and logistics

8. Upcoming Deadlines:
   - To be determined and communicated to the team

Action Items:

1. Finalize speaker list and send invitations
2. Develop international involvement plan
3. Design Instagram marketing materials
4. Draft partnership emails
5. Revise research survey and conduct pilot interviews
6. Update sponsorship package and initiate outreach
7. Arrange accommodations for speakers and attendees
8. Develop fundraising plan

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be scheduled via the committee's usual communication channels.

Note: These minutes have been edited to remove personal information. All deadlines and action items should be considered tentative and subject to change.