The ForYouPage.Org Manifesto [2023 Original] is a youth-led NGO and a global coalition of youth advocates πΎon a mission to unit...
FYP Code of Conduct
Purpose This code is our promise to each other: as we grow individually, we grow stronger collect...
FYP Governance Charter
Ratification Date: 05/15/2024 Last Update:12/19/2024 Version: 2.0 Preamble We, the youth of ForYo...
The ForYouPage.Org Manifesto
A Movement of Youth Agency and Collective Flourishing Preamble We are the youth of 2023, scrollin...
Amendment I: Duty of FYP Associates, Assistants, Members & Operational Guidelines
Proposed Date: 09/30/2024 Ratification Date: 10/07/2024 Version: 1.0 Author: Joanna Fang Revisio...
Amendment II: Standard Committee & Accountability
Internal Investigation FrameworkStandard CommitteePurposeThis framework establishes a standardize...
Start Here: Welcome to ForYouPage.Org's Governance Documents π
Welcome to ForYouPage.Org! π We're excited you're here. This guide will help you navigate our gov...