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10th Organizing Meeting

Attendees: [Not specified]

New Business/Action Items:

  1. Sponsorship Package Review
  2. Program Development:
    • a. Timeline for inviting audience to be developed
    • b. 10 Cohort development:
    • List of climate anxiety activists to be compiled by July 23, 2024 (Joanna)
    • Committee to confirm and review list by July 25, 2024 (Aliza)
    • Last year's cohort to review by July 26, 2024
    • Reach out to all cohort youth by July 30, 2024
    • c. 1st Panel:
    • Follow-up on JED Foundation involvement by July 29, 2024 if no response
    • Reach out to potential speakers by July 25, 2024
    • Develop backup list of CEO/leadership and possible referrals by July 25, 2024 d. 2nd Panel Speaker selection ongoing
  3. Project Management: a. Networking Section Plan development (Joanna) - delayed b. Research plan to be confirmed by July 30, 2024 (Cameron)
  4. Partnerships: a. Follow up on general partner invitations (WFMH, AAP, YPA, Cyber Collective, JED Foundation) b. Invite Impact Partners c. One-page Impact & Marketing Plan to be developed (Keegan)
  5. Logistics: a. Venue contract to be signed
  6. General: a. Committee members to suggest invitees b. Finalize abstract/summary for voting
  7. Future Planning: a. SXSW proposal submitted

Old Business: [Not discussed in provided notes]

Action Items:

  1. Compile climate anxiety activist list (Joanna)
  2. Review and confirm 10 Cohort list (Aliza, Committee)
  3. Draft invitation email/message (Marx)
  4. Follow up on JED Foundation involvement
  5. Develop backup speaker lists
  6. Confirm research plan (Cameron)
  7. Follow up with potential partners
  8. Develop Impact & Marketing Plan (Keegan)
  9. Sign venue contract
  10. Finalize event abstract/summary

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be scheduled via the committee's usual communication channels.

Note: These minutes have been edited to remove personal information. All deadlines and action items should be considered tentative and subject to change.