3rd Organizing Meeting
Action Item
Partners Outreaching
Organizational Outreach
Next Team Meeting Time: Jun 12, 2024 12:00 PM EST / 10AM GMT + 8 / 4PM PST FYP | Organizing Committee Meeting V3.0
Program & Tasks Management
Cameron will look through Aliza’s task list then incorporate it into a timeline with deadlines and dependencies
Aliza will look through existing tasks and see what support would be helpful.
Cameron and Aliza will have fortnightly check ins, with the option to meet more regularly where needed
Program team will check with the rest of the committee about their plans for livestreaming and international engagement, if any.
Partners Nomination
Each nominates 3-5 external organizations/individuals as general partners
One Page Event Plan Overview & Budget Preparation
Jose & Aliza
Template: FYP Event | Section: Keynote + 1st Panel
Worst and best case for Keynote + 1st Panel
Max and min budget for Keynote + 1st Panel
Keegan & Marx
Worst and best case for Breakout session + 2nd Panel
Max and min budget for Breakout session + 2nd Panel
Max and min budget for the venue
Program & Chief of Staff
Event Program overview, themes, timeline, feasibility
Min (1 event in sep)
Max (1 event in sep, SXSW, 1 event in Dec)
Prepare a list of key dependencies
Prepare a one page of tasks management
Prepare a list of funder
Prepare a list of impact partners
Prepare a list of todo from last year day of event
Move 1st & 2nd meeting notes to Wiki & remove sensitive information
(will fix the look later)
Move meeting to discord
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