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The ForYouPage.Org Manifesto

A Movement of Youth Agency and Collective Flourishing


This is year 2023, and weWe are the youth tryingof to2023, getscrolling through another day. We are the ones couch-potatoingfeeds at 3 AM, ADHD-ing through endless feeds, feeling disconnected in ana hyper-connected world, disempowered in hyper-powered world. We are the generation watching ice sheets melt, democracy fade,melt and mental health crises surge while being told that our anxiety and depression areis just "part of growing up,up." that "this is how the world always is."

But we know we hold a deeper truth: that our struggles aren't weakness, but a signal that this world needs to change. And we are the ones with the power to change it.

We, the youth of ForYouPage.Org (FYP), declare our power to reshape our world.

Our Vision

We create a world where every youth discovers their power to flourish and help others flourish. Where every youth has the collective resources, resilience, and power to be a changemaker in their own community. Where authenticity triumphs over conformity, agency triumphs over powerlessness, and compassion triumphs over artificialdivisions. divisions.

We envision a world remade by youth from every corner of earth working together, a world where one day, every scrollscrolling through #FYP shows not just entertainment, but youth in action - helphelping anat animalshelters, shelter, plantinggrowing community gardens, organizing protest groups,protests, speaking truth to power,power - where social media becomes a canvas of a better world, and of our generation being kind, fierce, and simply real.

Our Core Values

Agency: We refuse to let our worth be measured in metrics and productivity, in GPAs and KPIs, in stock prices or profit margins. Our power comes not from capital or credentials, but from our radical commitment to ourselves and to each other's flourishing.flourishing

Authenticity: noNo fifty shades of filters and photoshop insta pics,filters, no pretending we've got it all figured out, no changing ourselves to fit with others. Whether we're challenging national leaders or just trying to get through the day, we embrace our messy, beautiful reality. First step to changing the world: Be who we are.

Compassion: In a world built on extraction and division, choosing to be kind is radical. We bridge divides not just between individuals but between whole ways of seeing and being. We believe everyone's fundamentally good - yes, even those maintaining the systems we're fighting to change. Non-violent communication isn't just a buzzword for us;- it's how we build something

Openness: No more gatekeeping power.power No moreor hoarding resources. No more artificial scarcity of knowledge or opportunity. What we learn, we share. What we build belongs to all of us.. Our difference aren't inefficiencies to be optimized away - they're the foundation of a more human world.

Joy: They expect us to be constantly producing, constantly competing, constantly consuming. Instead, we choose joy. We throw parties across time zones. We share memes across languages. We find humor in the

How We Work

We're youth from five continents who build global movements from thrift store couches and bedroom desks. Who run international summits between therapy sessions and finals.

Our power comes from:

  • Turning DMs into direct action
  • Growing local solutions from community wisdom
  • Building collective power through authentic connection
  • Finding joy in the revolution

Our Theory of Change

Personal flourishing drives collective transformation

Our journey isn't a straight line. It starts with the radical act of taking care of ourselves - of saying "my well-being matters" in a world that treats us as metrics. But that's just the beginning.

Every time one of us finds our voice, we help others find theirs. Every community garden we plant, every protest we organize, every mental health support group we run proves that youth agency can transform our world.

Individual → Community → Movement

This is how we move: From individual healing to collective power From Instagram activism to real-world change From isolated struggles to united movement From surviving alone to flourishing, together

Call to Action

To every youth feeling powerless in the face of crisis, topowerless, every advocate working in isolation, to every changemaker seeking community: You belong here.

Together, we arewe're building more than an organization.organization We- arewe're creating a new way of being where personal flourishing drives collective change,change where local wisdom shapes global movements, whereand youth lead the transformation of our world.

Join us in proving that authenticity, agency, and compassion always triumph. The future isn't something that happens to us. It's something we create, together, starting with ourselves and our communities.

Be fierce. Be you. Be the change.

Our Pledge

We pledge to remain true to these principles, to prioritize people over systems, to value authenticity over conformity, and to build power through compassion and connection. We are ForYouPage.Org, and this is our commitment to each other and to the world we are creating.

This manifesto is a living document, shaped by the collective wisdom of our community and the evolving needs of our movement.