FYP Governance Charter
Ratification Date: 05/15/2024 Last Update:12/19/2024 Version: 2.0
We, the youth of ForYouPage.Org (FYP), unite under the vision declared in our Manifesto: to create a world where every youth discovers their power to flourish and help others flourish.
This Governance Charter establishes the framework through which we transform that vision into reality.
Article I: Foundational Principles
ForYouPage.Org operates in accordance with the values, vision, and theory of change established in our Manifesto (2023). The Manifesto serves as our foundational document and should be read in conjunction with this Charter.
Section 1. Core Values
Our operations and decisions are guided by our five core values as detailed in the Manifesto and enforced by specifics in Code of Conduct.
- Agency
- Authenticity
- Compassion
- Openness
- Joy
Section 2. Organizational Commitments
FYP upholds two core commitments to authenticity:
A. Financial Independence
- All core team members are uncompensated volunteers.
- We reject monetary incentives as a primary motivator.
- Any funds raised prioritize youth scholarships and essential operational costs.
- Paid internships are available upon request. We acknowledge how broke youth are.
B. Authentic Representation
- We aim for FYP to genuinely reflect youth's current state and capabilities.
- We embrace and showcase youth realities without filters.
- We prioritize authentic impact over organizational growth.
Article II: Organizational Structure
Section 1.Core Team Structure
A. Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board
(formation in progress)
B. Operation Team
- FYP Principle: Director & primary spokesperson of FYP.
- FYP Associates: Fully admitted direct builders of FYP with voting rights.
- FYP Assistants: Partially admitted direct builders of FYP without voting rights.
C. FYP Community through Operational Products
- FYP Wiki: Open collaborative knowledge-sharing platform.
- FYP Event: Coordinated advocacy and networking events.
- FYP Community: Engagement and support networks for youth advocates.
- FYP Intern: Paid internship program that allow youth to work in areas of their passion, strictly limited to maintain FYP's core commitment to no monetary incentives. Currently Experimental.
- FYP Research: Youth-driven participatory action research for mental health leadership and priorities for 2030
- FYP Voice: Provide a youth-led safe space for youth voices on mental health & well-being advocacy
Section 2. Roles and Selection
A. FYP Principle
- Selection: Elected periodically by a majority vote of FYP Associates.
- Duties & Power: Primary spokesperson, coordinator of strategic initiatives, ensures adherence to mission and values.
B. FYP Associates
- Selection: Majority vote by associates for: Youth leaders (grasstops and grassroots) formally recommended by current FYP Associates
- Duties & Power: Voting rights on all major decisions and direct builders of FYP operational products; official affiliation
C. FYP Assistants
- Selection: Open application, interviews, and majority vote.
- Duties & Power: Same as FYP Associates but with no voting rights and contribution to FYP products require supervision of at least 1 FYP Associate.
Section 3. Operation Managers
A. Appointment: Two appointed positions:
- A rotating leadership role open to both Associates and Assistants. Selection: Rotate among active Associates by default. Assistants may participate after submitting a request and receiving approval from both the current rotating OM and the fixed OM.
- A fixed OM. Selection: Appointed by consensus of the Team.
Section 4. Age Requirement
All team members must be under 26 years of age at the time of admission with exception allowed by majority vote of associates.
Article III: Decision-Making Processes
Section 1. Strategic Decisions
A. Led by the FYP Principle.
B. Requires consensus among FYP Associates.
C. Subject to voting by the Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board.
Section 2. Operational Decisions
A. Managed by the FYP Operation Team.
B. Requires consultation with relevant team members.
Section 3. Product-Specific Decisions
A. Directed by respective Product Leads.
B. Involves consultation with product team members if deemed necessary.
Section 4. Proposal and Implementation
A. Any FYP member may propose changes through weekly standup meetings, Associates maillist, or office hours.
B. Requires majority approval from Associates and absence of vote from the Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board.
Section 5. Transparency
A. All voting records, meeting minutes, and organizational documents are to be publicly accessible with sensitive personal information removed.
B. Regular (at least yearly) public reports on activities, impact, and financial status.
Section 6. External Engagement and Partnerships
A. Youth Groups: Formal recommendations for partnerships with youth groups may be submitted by any FYP Community Member to the Operation Team. Approved if no majority objection from the Operation Team.
B. Non-Youth Groups: Partnerships with non-youth groups require formal recommendation by an FYP Operation Team, majority approval from the Operation Team, and majority approval from the Independent Decision Board.
C. Active engagement with policymakers and industry leaders to amplify youth voices.
Article V: Ethical Standards and Financial Governance
Section 1. Code of Conduct
A. All members shall uphold FYP's core values, maintain integrity, respect diversity, and foster inclusivity.
B. Conflicts shall be resolved through open dialogue, with escalation to the Operation Team and Independent Board if necessary.
Section 2. Accountability
A. Regular peer and self-evaluations are conducted quarterly.
B. At least yearly public reports on activities, impact, and financial status.
Section 3. Financial Principles
A. Volunteer-driven model with minimal financial transactions.
B. No monetary compensation for core team members, with limited exceptions for specific intern roles.
C. Any funds received shall be transparently allocated for operational costs and youth stipends.
D. Major financial decisions require consensus approval from Associates and review by the Independent Board.
E. At least yearly (more frequently when needed) financial reports shall be made public.
Article VI: Amendments and Dissolution
Section 1. Amendments
A. Proposal:
- Any FYP Associate or Assistant may propose amendments through weekly standup meetings, Associates maillist, or office hours.
B. Ratification:
- Requires two-thirds majority approval from FYP Associates.
- Final approval from the Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board.
C. Regular Review:
- Annual evaluation of operational processes and governance structure.
- Recommendations for adjustments presented to the Operation Team for implementation.
Section 2. Dissolution
A. Conditions:
- May be considered if FYP no longer effectively serves its mission.
B. Process:
- Requires unanimous decision from Associates and approval from the Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board.
- All assets to be distributed to aligned youth advocacy organizations, as determined by the Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board.