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Connor Farrell


Connor Farrell


Please direct any questions, comments or collaboration requests to  my email at  For professional contacts, please reach out to my LinkedIn. 


TamakiConnor hasfocuses madeon significant contributions to various social issues through hercommunity-level work and organization. He's one half of Meals on Main, a Blacksburg/Christiansburg food truck that gives out about 150 meals per week in literaturea local community. Connor is very passionate about helping others, and public speaking. In 2020, she self-publishedis a storybookregular aimed at educating readers about food waste and donated all the proceeds to UNICEF. Additionally, she co-authored a storybook as parteditor of anthis urbanvery regenerationwiki project which focused on preserving the intangible cultural heritage of a small Indonesian


TamakiConnor is involved with multiplethe organizationsBlacksburg includingYMCA, UNICEF,and whereis shewell-connected has contributed by donatingwith the proceedslocal fromBlacksburg heractivism self-publishedcommunity. work. She hasHe's also participateddone work for AmeriCorps, and completed his Eagle Project at the West County Courthouse in MissPalm WorldBeach Japan,County, using her platform to promote educational initiatives.FL.


  • 2020: PublishedPlanned aand storybookcompleted Eagle Project focused on foodprotecting waste,kids donatingwhose allparents proceedsare toin UNICEF.court for custody of their children. 
  • 20202023: Co-authoredJoined aMarx storybookand forJoanna anto urbanhelp regenerationdevelop inand Indonesia.
  • its
  • 2021:associated Deliveredwiki, aattending TEDmultiple talkconferences onand discoveringperforming one's true colors.
  • 2021: Competed in Miss World Japan, advocatingresearch for the "Beautyfuture withof athe Purpose"organization. initiative.
  • 2023: Meals on Main begins, Connor and Seth serve their first meal.
  • Currently pursuingworking researchto elevate Gen-Z voices, and inspire/inform change around the country, while also working as a dishwasher at a restaurant in JapaneseBlacksburg. history and peace education at Waseda University's Graduate School of Social Sciences.

Areas of Interest

Tamaki'Connor's main areas of interest include sustainable urban development, culturalcommunity-level preservation,organization for change, and education.climate Shechange. He is particularlyespecially focusedinterested onin how storytellingperspective caninforms beaction, usedand as a toolhow to addressbuild andconnections educatewith onothers socialthrough issues.common humanity. 

Theory of Change

TamakiConnor believes in the transformative power of educationpeople. People will always learn from what is around them, and storytelling.when Hergiven approachthe involveschance creatingwill engagingalmost educationalalways contentchoose thatto nothelp onlythose informsaround them. His work is about feeding people, but alsoit's inspireseven actionmore amongabout youngbuilding readersgenuine andhuman theconnection, communityespecially atbetween large.other members of a community. 

Areas Needing Help

TamakiConnor is always looking for virtual collaborators looking to establish a similarly sustainable soup kitchen/free food program in their area for those in need. Beyond that, if you have experience coding in Python and resourceswould like to helpdonate expandsome herof reachyour andtime, impact,there especiallyis ina areasproject relatedthat tocould culturaluse preservationyour andskills. educationalIf contentthis development.sounds like you, please email