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Community To Do

If you're new to our organization, then here are a few things you can do to get started:
- familiarize yourself with the wiki. Check out our resources, the different pages people have added, and see if we're missing something that you think should be included.
- If you decide you'd like to contribute, go ahead and make an account in the top right corner.
- Creating/editing a page is simple and takes just a few minutes. Please don't delete things that other people have added, and be reasonable with your contributions.

[X] weekly meeting*
[X] ] organizingOrganizing a list of interested clubs/community groups/school program*programs*

[ ]X] organizing community resources*
[X] buildBuild discord hub*
[X] setupset up community meetings*
[X] ] talkingTalking to school programming and findfinding projects


Work we are doing in fall 2023:

[X] Gained a list of things that we could offer for extra credit from Erica
[   ] Sending emails to professors to get them to give extra credit