5k Fundraiser Race Info
General Info:
NoSo November 5k Walk/Run: Join us for the NoSo November 5k Walk/Run on Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 10:00 AM in Centennial, CO. This event is perfect for those who enjoy walking or running and want to be part of a fun and healthy community activity. The event will take place at 6301 South University Boulevard, and we encourage everyone to come out and participate in this exciting event. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, this event is for you! So, grab your friends and family and come join us for the NoSo November 5k Walk/Run. We will have sponsors, informational booths, T-shirts, and much more!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR: day of race stuff: I will need a handful of people being posted up at certain spots on the course to direct runners and hand out water, I need help with set up and clean up day of, and I need someone to greet people and have them fill out liability waivers, and also someone to help facilitate donations as well as sell raffle tickets and T-shirts! Lastly I need a volunteer to time the top 10 runners, and someone to hand out snacks/water at the finish line.
Sponsorship Information: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6087573bd0533b07b121a13b/t/649396e55e5c7e07218d724e/1687394023230/Noso+November+NEW+SPONSORSHIP+5k.pdf
Tickets for 5k Race: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/noso-november-5k-walkrun-tickets-649289110207?aff=oddtdtcreator
Race Donations: Donate on our website: https://www.nosonovember.org/donate