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United We Dream

Organization Country: United States

  • What do they do?

They are the largest immigrant youth-led network in the country, and they fight for the dignity and respect of all immigrants

  • Who’s their audience?

Immigrant youth, people who are passionate about their cause, and policymakers.

  • What’s their approaches?

They organize rallies, demonstrations, legal campaigns, and social media campaigns to stop people from getting deported and give them a future in the United States.

  • What’s their current program/project?

Undeniable! campaign, pushing for policymakers to write legislation that would:

  • Citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US

  • Defund ICE, CBP, and police (so based)

  • Reinstatement and expansion of DACA and TPS

  • COVID-19 relief that doesn’t discriminate on grounds of immigration status

  • A moratorium on enforcement, and the release of people in ICE and CBP camps

  • What’s their organizational structure?

Grassroots movement with millions of roots and a central leadership who holds the legal powerhouse

  • Who funds them? (can be hard to track down, make an educated guess)

Regular people, donations

  • What else stands out?

These guys are very effective and quite large. We should include immigration resources on the wiki.