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The Steve Fund

  • what do they do

supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color by promoting programs and strategies

Our Goals

Our goals are: A robust national dialogue; adoption of effective programs by colleges and universities; greater knowledge and utilization of campus mental health services; and the increased competency of families and mental health organizations serving our demographic.

  • who’s their audience

Young people of color

  • what’s their approaches

The Fund holds an annual conference series, Young, Gifted & @Risk, and offers a Knowledge Center with curated expert information. With multicultural mental health experts it delivers on-campus and on-site programs and services for colleges and non-profits, and through tech partnerships it provides direct services to young people of color.

1. Building knowledge and thought leadership

2. Creating programs and strategic partnerships

3. Promoting awareness and dialogue

4. Producing immediate impact for students through tech innovations

  • what’s their current program/project

    • Seminars & Workshops

      • For Staff, Administrators, Instructors and Providers

      • For High School Students and College Students

    • Equity in Mental Health on Campus Initiative

    • Consultation Services