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ForYouPage.Org Governance Charter

ForYouPage.Org Governance Charter


Preamble We, the youth of ForYouPage.Org (FYP), establishin this Charterorder to empower grassroots advocacy andadvocacy, foster individual and collective flourishing, and secure the blessings of agency and authenticity for ourselves and future generations, do ordain and establish this Governance Charter for ForYouPage.Org.

Article I: Foundational Principles

Section 1. Core Values The organization shall be guided by ourthe core valuesprinciples of Authenticity, Agency, Compassion, Togetherness, Humor, and Freedom.Freedom, as set forth in our founding manifesto.

Section 2. Mission FYP shall exist to unite young leaders, mobilize peers in grassroots advocacy, and cultivate a generation of socially conscious individuals equipped to shape a better future.

Article I:II: Organizational Structure and Leadership

Section 1. Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board

  • Composition: DiverseThe Board shall consist of individuals under 25,25 years of age, representing diverse backgrounds, cultures, and countries. Members shall not be directly associated with FYP operations
  • operations.
  • B. Selection: OpenBoard application,members shall be selected through an open application process, requiring at least five letters of reference lettersattesting required
  • to
  • their integrity. C. Powers: VetoThe Board shall possess collective veto power over key decisions,decisions made by the Core Operation Team and approval ofauthority over FYP partnerships
  • partnerships.
  • Mandate:D. EnsureTerm: Board members shall serve staggered two-year terms, with half the board selected annually to ensure continuity. E. Global Representation: The Board shall maintain a composition that reflects global representationdiversity, inwith membership
  • no
more than 40% of members from any single country.

Section 2. FYP Principle

  • ElectedElection: The FYP Principle shall be elected annually by a majority vote of all members
  • members.
  • ServesB. Duties: The Principle shall serve as the primary coordinatorspokesperson, coordinate strategic initiatives, and spokesperson
  • ensure
adherence to the organization's mission and values.

Section 3. Core Operation Team

  • FYP Associates: Fully admitted members with voting rights
  • on all major decisions. B. FYP Assistants: Partially admitted members supporting initiatives
  • Agewithout Limit:voting rights. C. Eligibility: All team members must be under 30 years of age at admission
  • the
time of admission.

Section 4. Operational Products

  • FYP Wiki,A. FYP Event,Wiki: A collaborative knowledge-sharing platform. B. FYP Community
  • Event:
Coordinated advocacy and networking events. C. FYP Community: Engagement and support networks for youth advocates.

Section 5. General Managers

  • Appointment: Rotating 3-month project leadership roles
for specific projects, open to both Associates and Assistants. B. Selection: Appointed by consensus of the Core Operation Team.

Article II:III: Decision-Making Processes

Section 1. Strategic Decisions

  • Initiation: Led by the FYP Principle,Principle. B. Approval: Requires consensus voting among Associates
  • Associates.
  • C. Veto: Subject to veto by the Independent BoardAnonymous veto
  • Youth
Decision Board.

Section 2. Operational andDecisions ProductA. Decisions

  • Madein bythe FYP Operation ManagerManager. andB. ProductConsultation: LeadsRequires respectively
  • input
  • Consultation withfrom relevant team members required

Section 3. ProposalProduct-Specific andDecisions Implementation

  • OpenDirected toby allthe membersrespective throughProduct monthlyLead. hearings
  • B.
  • MajorityProcess: Associate approvalConsultation required
with product team members.

Section 4. Proposal and Implementation A. Right to Propose: Any member may propose changes through monthly public hearings. B. Approval: Requires majority approval from Associates and absence of veto from the Independent Board.

Section 5. Technology Integration

  • Public Access: All voting records, meeting minutes, and recordsorganizational documents shall be made publicly accessible onthrough the FYP Wiki
  • Wiki,
ensuring transparency and accountability. B. Digital Governance: The organization shall utilize secure digital platforms for voting, collaboration, and record-keeping to facilitate global participation and efficient operations. Section 6. External Engagement and Partnerships A. Youth Groups: Formal recommendations for partnerships with youth groups may be submitted by any FYP Community Member to the Operation Team. Such partnerships shall be approved if there is no majority objection from the Operation Team. B. Non-Youth Groups: Partnerships with non-youth groups require formal recommendation by an FYP Operation Team Member, majority approval from the Operation Team, and majority approval from the Independent Decision Board. C. Stakeholder Engagement: FYP shall actively engage with policymakers, industry leaders, and other relevant stakeholders to amplify youth voices and advocate for youth-centric policies and initiatives.

Section 6. External Engagement and Partnerships A. Youth Groups: Formal recommendations for partnerships with youth groups may be submitted by any FYP Community Member to the Operation Team. Such partnerships shall be approved if there is no majority objection from the Operation Team. B. Non-Youth Groups: Partnerships with non-youth groups require formal recommendation by an FYP Operation Team Member, majority approval from the Operation Team, and majority approval from the Independent Decision Board. C. Stakeholder Engagement: FYP shall actively engage with policymakers, industry leaders, and other relevant stakeholders to amplify youth voices and advocate for youth-centric policies and initiatives.

Article III:IV: Membership and Advancement

Section 1. Eligibility A. Age: Open to individuals between 13 and Responsibilities

  • Ageof 13-30,age. commitmentB. Commitment: Demonstrated dedication to FYP's mission and values
  • Active participation in initiatives

Section 2. AdvancementRights and Responsibilities A. Participation: All members have the right to Associateparticipate in decision-making processes appropriate to their status. B. Contribution: Members are obligated to actively contribute to FYP's mission and uphold its values.


  • Point-based3. Admission and Departure A. Assistant Admission: Open application process, reviewed quarterly by the Core Operation Team. B. Associate Promotion: Based on a point system tracking contributions
  • contributions,
  • Interviewskill development, and peer evaluations. Additional requirements include: i. Conducting interviews with at least 20 youth leadersleaders, (of which a minimum of 5 international)
  • must
  • Recommendationbe byinternational or reside outside the United States. ii. Receiving a recommendation from an existing Associate
  • Approvalfor byconsideration Associatein vote
  • the

Articlevote. IV: External Engagement

Section 1. Youth Group Partnerships

  • Formal recommendation by FYP Community Members
  • No majority objection from Operation Team required

Section 2. Non-Youth Group Partnerships

  • Formal recommendation by FYP Operation Team Members
  • Majority approval from Operation Team and Independent Board required

Article V: Ethical Standards and Conflict Resolution

Section 1. Code of Conduct

  • Upholdmembers FYPshall uphold FYP's core values, maintain integrityintegrity, respect diversity, and foster inclusivity
in all interactions and initiatives.

Section 2. Conflict Resolution

  • MediationPrimary Resolution: Through open dialogue and mediation by the Operation Manager
  • Manager.
  • EscalationB. Escalation: Unresolved conflicts shall be referred to the Core Operation Team
  • for evaluation. C. Final arbitrationArbitration: byThe Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board
shall have final say on intractable disputes.

Section 3. Accountability A. Evaluations: Regular peer and self-evaluations conducted quarterly. B. Transparency: Monthly public reports on activities, impact, and financial status.

Article VI: Financial Governance

Section 1. Funding Model

  • PrimarilyA. volunteer-Primary Model: Volunteer-driven
  • Transparentwith allocationminimal financial transactions. B. Allocation: Any funds received shall be transparently allocated for operational costs and stipends
  • stipends.
C. Compensation: No monetary compensation for core team members, with exceptions for specific intern roles.

Section 2. Financial Decisions

  • Major decisionsDecisions: require AssociateRequire consensus approval from Associates and review by the Independent BoardBoard. review
  • B.
  • Reporting: Quarterly public financial reports
shall be made available to all members and the public.

Article VII: Amendments and Review

Section 1. AmendmentProposal Process

  • Proposalmay propose amendments through monthly hearings
  • public
  • Two-thirds Associate approval and Independent Board confirmation

Section 2. Ratification A. Approval: Requires two-thirds majority approval from Associates. B. Confirmation: Final approval from the Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board.

Section 3. Regular Review

  • Annual Evaluation: The FYP Principle shall convene an annual review committee to assess the effectiveness of the organization's operational processes
  • Adaptationand governance structure. B. Adaptation: Based on the annual review, recommendations for operational adjustments shall be presented to ensurethe innovationCore Operation Team for implementation, ensuring FYP remains innovative and responsivenessresponsive to changing youth needs

Article VIII: Dissolution


  • Unanimous1. AssociateConditions Dissolution may be considered if FYP no longer effectively serves its mission, as determined by a unanimous vote of Associates and the Independent Board.

    Section 2. Process

    A. Decision: Requires unanimous decision from Associates and approval from the Independent BoardBoard. approvalB. required

  • Asset
  • AssetsDistribution: All assets shall be distributed to aligned youth advocacy organizations
  • organizations,

Thisdetermined charter shall be a living document, regularly reviewed and adapted to ensure FYP remains atby the forefrontIndependent of youth empowerment and advocacy.Board.