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ForYouPage.Org Governance Charter

ForYouPage.Org Governance Charter

Preamble We, the youth of ForYouPage.Org (FYP), establish this Charter to empower grassroots advocacy and foster individual and collective flourishing, guided by our core values of Authenticity, Agency, Compassion, Togetherness, Humor, and Freedom.

Article I: Structure and Leadership

Section 1. Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board

  • Composition: Diverse individuals under 25, not associated with FYP operations
  • Selection: Open application, five reference letters required
  • Powers: Veto power over key decisions, approval of FYP partnerships
  • Mandate: Ensure global representation in membership

Section 2. FYP Principle

  • Elected annually by all members
  • Serves as primary coordinator and spokesperson

Section 3. Core Operation Team

  • Associates: Fully admitted members with voting rights
  • Assistants: Partially admitted members supporting initiatives
  • Age Limit: All team members must be under 30 at admission

Section 4. Operational Products

  • FYP Wiki, FYP Event, FYP Community

Section 5. General Managers

  • Rotating 3-month project leadership roles

Article II: Decision-Making

Section 1. Strategic Decisions

  • Led by FYP Principle, consensus voting among Associates
  • Subject to Independent Board veto

Section 2. Operational and Product Decisions

  • Made by Operation Manager and Product Leads respectively
  • Consultation with relevant team members required

Section 3. Proposal and Implementation

  • Open to all members through monthly hearings
  • Majority Associate approval required

Section 4. Technology Integration

  • All voting and records publicly accessible on FYP Wiki

Article III: Membership and Advancement

Section 1. Eligibility and Responsibilities

  • Age 13-30, commitment to FYP's mission and values
  • Active participation in initiatives

Section 2. Advancement to Associate

  • Point-based system tracking contributions
  • Interview 20 youth leaders (minimum 5 international)
  • Recommendation by existing Associate
  • Approval by Associate vote

Article IV: External Engagement

Section 1. Youth Group Partnerships

  • Formal recommendation by FYP Community Members
  • No majority objection from Operation Team required

Section 2. Non-Youth Group Partnerships

  • Formal recommendation by FYP Operation Team Members
  • Majority approval from Operation Team and Independent Board required

Article V: Ethical Standards and Conflict Resolution

Section 1. Code of Conduct

  • Uphold FYP values, maintain integrity and inclusivity

Section 2. Conflict Resolution

  • Mediation by Operation Manager
  • Escalation to Core Operation Team
  • Final arbitration by Independent Board

Article VI: Financial Governance

Section 1. Funding Model

  • Primarily volunteer-driven
  • Transparent allocation for operational costs and stipends

Section 2. Financial Decisions

  • Major decisions require Associate consensus and Independent Board review
  • Quarterly public financial reports

Article VII: Amendments and Review

Section 1. Amendment Process

  • Proposal through monthly hearings
  • Two-thirds Associate approval and Independent Board confirmation

Section 2. Regular Review

  • Annual review of operational processes
  • Adaptation to ensure innovation and responsiveness to youth needs

Article VIII: Dissolution

  • Unanimous Associate decision and Independent Board approval required
  • Assets distributed to aligned youth advocacy organizations

This charter shall be a living document, regularly reviewed and adapted to ensure FYP remains at the forefront of youth empowerment and advocacy.