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ForYouPage.Org (FYP) Governance Charter

1. Mission and Values

1.1 Mission

- ForYouPage.Org (FYP) is a youth-led social project dedicated to empowering grassroots youth advocacy and fostering individual and collective flourishing.

1.2 Core Values

- Authenticity, Agency, Compassion, Togetherness, Humor and Freedom

2. Organizational Structure

2.1 Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board

 - Composition: anonymous individuals under 25, cross country and culture, not associated directly with FYP works, open to public and selected based on integrity (with at least 5 reference letter)
 - Role:
   - Provide moral campass, supervision, and recommendations on principle issues.
   - Contains veto power over operation team's decisions.
   - Contains approval power over FYP general partners.

2.2 FYP Principle

 - Elected annually by all members
 - Serves as a consistent point of leadership and ensures continuity

2.3 FYP Core Operation Team

2.3.1 FYP Associates

    - Fully admitted members with voting power
    - Responsible for major decisions and strategy

2.3.2 FYP Assistants

    - Partially admitted members
    - Support Associates and contribute to initiatives without voting power

2.4 Operational Areas

 - FYP Wiki
 - FYP Event
 - FYP Community

3. Leadership and Management

3.1 General Managers

 - Rotating leadership roles for specific projects or areas
 - 3-month term
 - Open to both Associates and Assistants

3.2 Project Leadership

 - Clear project leads assigned for all initiatives
 - Both Associates and Assistants eligible for project leadership roles

4. Decision-Making Processes

4.1 Strategic Decisions

 - Consensus voting among Associates
 - Input gathered from all members through Innovation Roundtables

4.2 Operational Decisions

 - Made by FYP Principle in consultation with relevant team members

4.3 Project-Specific Decisions

 - Led by current General Manager, Made by Project Lead
 - Consultation with project team members

4.4 Innovation Roundtable

 - Monthly meetings open to all members
 - Use of design thinking methodologies
 - Blind idea submission system
 - Rotating facilitation responsibilities

5. Membership and Progression

5.1 FYP Assistant to Associate Pathway

5.1.1 Point System

  - Contributions tracked through transparent point system
  - 100 points required for Associate consideration

5.1.2 Skill Development

  - Proficiency required in at least two defined skill tracks

5.1.3 Evaluation

  - Quarterly self-reflection reports
  - Peer evaluations from Associates and fellow Assistants

5.1.4 Community Impact

  - Demonstration of tangible impact on FYP's mission required

5.1.5 Time Commitment

  - Minimum 2 months active involvement as Assistant

5.1.6 Review Process

  - Candidacy reviewed by Associate panel and FYP Principle
  - Final decision by consensus voting among all Associates

6. Operational Principles

6.1 Decentralization

 - Emphasis on self-organization and peer-to-peer collaboration
 - Fluid roles allowing contribution across different areas

6.2 Transparency

 - Regular "State of FYP" meetings
 - Open forums for discussion and input

6.3 Continuous Improvement

 - Annual review of governance structure and processes
 - Adjustment based on organizational needs and feedback

7. Conflict Resolution

7.1 Mediation

 - Conflicts addressed through open dialogue and mediation
 - FYP Principle to facilitate if necessary

7.2 Appeal Process

 - Unresolved conflicts may be referred to Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board for recommendations

8. Amendments

8.1 This Governance Charter may be amended through a consensus vote of all Associates, with input from all members gathered through Innovation Roundtables.