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ForYouPage.Org (FYP) Governance Charter

1. Mission and Values

1.1 Mission

ForYouPage.Org (FYP) is a youth-led social project dedicated to empowering grassroots youth advocacy and fostering individual and collective flourishing.

1.2 Core Values

Authenticity, Agency, Compassion, Togetherness, Humor and Freedom

2. Organizational Structure

2.1 Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board

  • Composition: anonymous individuals under 25, cross country and culture, not associated directly with FYP works, open to public and selected based on integrity (with at least 5 reference letter)
  • Role:
    • Provide moral campass, supervision, and recommendations on principle issues.
    • Contains veto power over operation team's decisions.
    • Contains approval power over FYP general partners.

2.2 FYP Principle

  • Elected annually by all members
  • Serves as a consistent point of leadership and ensures continuity

2.3 FYP Core Operation Team

2.3.1 FYP Associates

  - Fully admitted members with voting power
  - Responsible for major decisions and strategy

2.3.2 FYP Assistants

  - Partially admitted members
  - Support Associates and contribute to initiatives without voting power

2.4 Operational Areas

  • FYP Wiki
  • FYP Event
  • FYP Community

3. Leadership and Management

3.1 General Managers

  • Rotating leadership roles for specific projects or areas
  • 3-month term
  • Open to both Associates and Assistants

3.2 Project Leadership

  • Clear project leads assigned for all initiatives
  • Both Associates and Assistants eligible for project leadership roles

4. Decision-Making Processes

4.1 Strategic Decisions

  • Consensus voting among Associates
  • Input gathered from all members through Innovation Roundtables

4.2 Operational Decisions

  • Made by FYP Principle in consultation with relevant team members

4.3 Project-Specific Decisions

  • Led by current General Manager, Made by Project Lead
  • Consultation with project team members

4.4 Innovation Roundtable

  • Monthly meetings open to all members
  • Use of design thinking methodologies
  • Blind idea submission system
  • Rotating facilitation responsibilities

5. Membership and Progression

5.1 FYP Assistant to Associate Pathway

5.1.1 Point System

  - Contributions tracked through transparent point system
  - 100 points required for Associate consideration

5.1.2 Skill Development

  - Proficiency required in at least two defined skill tracks

5.1.3 Evaluation

  - Quarterly self-reflection reports
  - Peer evaluations from Associates and fellow Assistants

5.1.4 Community Impact

  - Demonstration of tangible impact on FYP's mission required

5.1.5 Time Commitment

  - Minimum 2 months active involvement as Assistant

5.1.6 Review Process

  - Candidacy reviewed by Associate panel and FYP Principle
  - Final decision by consensus voting among all Associates

6. Operational Principles

6.1 Decentralization

  • Emphasis on self-organization and peer-to-peer collaboration
  • Fluid roles allowing contribution across different areas

6.2 Transparency

  • Regular "State of FYP" meetings
  • Open forums for discussion and input

6.3 Continuous Improvement

  • Annual review of governance structure and processes
  • Adjustment based on organizational needs and feedback

7. Conflict Resolution

7.1 Mediation

  • Conflicts addressed through open dialogue and mediation
  • FYP Principle to facilitate if necessary

7.2 Appeal Process

  • Unresolved conflicts may be referred to Independent Anonymous Youth Decision Board for recommendations

8. Amendments

8.1 This Governance Charter may be amended through a consensus vote of all Associates, with input from all members gathered through Innovation Roundtables.