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Decision Structure for Anarchy-Based Decentralized Community for FYP


  • FYP Event -independent Independent
  •  - The FYP Event operates independently, with its own decision-making process and governance structure.
       - The event organizing committee has complete autonomy in making decisions related to the event, including theme, program, speakers, and partnerships.
       - Decisions are made through consensus or majority vote within the event organizing committee.

    2. FYP Community - Decentralized
       - The FYP Community operates as a decentralized

  • network, with no central authority or hierarchy.
       - Community members are encouraged to self-organize and collaborate on initiatives and projects that align with FYP's core values and mission.
       - Decisions within the community are made through open discussions and consensus-building among participating members.
       - Conflicts are resolved through mediation and dialogue, with an emphasis on finding mutually agreeable solutions.

    3. FYP Wiki - Decentralized
       - The FYP Wiki operates as a decentralized



base, with content created and curated by the community.
   - Anyone can contribute to the wiki, with an emphasis on sharing resources, knowledge, and community action plans.
   - Edits and additions to the wiki are reviewed by the community through a peer-review process to ensure accuracy and relevance.
   - Disputes over content are resolved through open discussion and consensus-building among interested parties.

- FYP is governed by a set of core values and principles that guide decision-making and actions across all aspects of the organization.
- These core values include agency, compassion, authenticity, togetherness, and humor.
- All community members are expected to uphold and embody these values in their interactions and contributions to FYP.

Operation Team:
- The Operation Team is responsible for maintaining the technical infrastructure and ensuring the smooth functioning of FYP's platforms and tools.
- The team is composed of volunteers who are selected based on their skills, expertise, and commitment to FYP's mission.
- Decisions within the Operation Team are made through consensus or majority vote, with an emphasis on transparency and accountability to the broader community.

Independent Anonymous Decision Board:
- The Independent Anonymous Decision Board serves as a moral compass and advisory body for FYP.
- The board is composed of five anonymous individuals who are selected based on their expertise, integrity, and commitment to FYP's core values.
- Board members are required to provide at least five references to support their selection and maintain their anonymity.
- The board provides guidance and recommendations on ethical and moral issues that may arise within the FYP community.
- Decisions made by the board are not binding but serve as a strong moral authority and influence on the community's actions and direction.


  • decision structure aims to balance the principles of anarchy and decentralization with the need for guidance, coordination, and adherence to core values. By emphasizing autonomy, consensus-building, and moral
  • requireauthority, 5FYP reference
  • can
create a dynamic and inclusive community that empowers youth to drive change and address the mental health crisis.