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2nd Organizing Meeting

2nd Organizing Meeting

May 31, 2024

Action Items 


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    Partners Nomination

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      Each nominates three external organizations/individuals as general partners

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    One Page Event Plan Overview & Budget Preparation

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      Jose & Aliza

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    Worst and best case for Keynote + 1st Panel

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    Max and min budget for Keynote + 1st Panel

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    Keegan & Marx

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    Worst and best case for Breakout session + 2nd Panel

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    Max and min budget for Breakout session + 2nd Panel

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    Max and min budget for the venue 


Program & Chief of Staff

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    Event Program overview, themes, timeline, feasibility

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      Min (1 event in sep)

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      Max (1 event in sep, SXSW, 1 event in Dec)

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    Prepare a list of key dependencies

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    Prepare a one page of tasks management 


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    Prepare a list of funder


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    Prepare a list of impact partners


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    Prepare a list of todo from last year day of event

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    Move 1st & 2nd meeting notes to Wiki & remove sensitive information

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    Move meeting to discord

Meeting Notes

1. Division of Labor, Role Finalization & Accountability, Decision Making

  1. Suggested Division of Labor:

    1.  Jose & Aliza & Cameron: Design & Implementation of Keynote + 1st Panel

    2. Keegan & Marx: Design & Implementation of Breakout session + 2nd Panel

    3. Joanna & Jose: pre party, after party, tiktok  engagement

  1. Role Finalization & Accountability

    1. Marx & Jose - General Chair: Responsible for overseeing the entire event and ensuring its success

  1. Aliza & Cameron - Program Chair & Chief of Staff: responsible for design/implement programs, project management, post event evaluation, general partnership, long term planning

  1. Keegan - Impact Chair: responsible for community engagement, social media campaign, impact partnerships

  1. Marx - Fundraising Chair: responsible for funding & sponsorship

  1. Joanna - Logistic Chair: responsible for all execution of logistics to and on day of event such as social media campaign implementation, organizing volunteers, catering, chair arranges

  1. Decision Making

    1. major decision such as themes,  final event format/program/general timeline & partners: votes from all fyp organizing committee

    2. Sectional decisions such as impact partners, details of panel 1 or panel 2, food offering in catering review by team and final decision by chair. 

2. Section Planning Report/Overview


Behavioral Health Priorities for next 5 years -2030 



Sep -> SXSW -> Sep/2024

  1. Keynote + 1st Panel: 

Jose & Aliza

  1. Breakout session + 2nd Panel: 

Keegan & Marx

  1. Event Engagement Networking, Afterparty


3. Partners Nomination

Up to 3 general partner

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    … [Status: voted to move forward]

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    … [Status: voted to move forward]

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Up to 15 impact partner


Next Team Meeting Time:  Jun 5, 2024 10:00 AM GMT-12, 10AM SA,  7AM PST, Wed - 7PM

Move Notes to Open Wiki 

Move Community Discussion to Discord