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For You Pets

Template for dog safety poster to put inside the house , customize it for your own needs : ) 

Joanna's version: 

Meet Our Furry Family Members

Camry (3 years old as of 2024): Camry is a friendly and energetic Golden Retriever and Labrador mix. She loves to play fetch and cuddle with her favorite humans. Camry can be easily scared at times and is very friendly with people, but she may not always get along with other animals. She's still learning to be gentle with her paws and teeth during play. Camry is currently in training to become a well-behaved companion.

Gio (2 years old as of 2024): Gio is a gentle giant! Despite her size, she's a sweet and affectionate girl. As a Mastiff, Gio has natural guarding instincts, but she's very gentle and gets along well with people. She's quite vocal at times and may bark to alert us of any perceived threats. Gio is very soft and gentle with her paws and teeth. She is also actively undergoing training to ensure she grows into a well-mannered dog.

Important Notice Regarding Our Dogs

We want all our guests to feel safe and comfortable in our apartment. Please be aware that Camry and Gio live here with us. They are friendly, but like any animals, they may react unpredictably if startled or frightened. Both dogs are up-to-date on their rabies vaccinations.

If you are uncomfortable around dogs for any reason, please let us know immediately so we can make appropriate arrangements to ensure your safety and comfort during your visit. We understand that not everyone is at ease with dogs.

For everyone's safety, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Be careful not to catch Gio's paws in the door, as this often scares her.
  2. Do not take things out of the dogs' mouths, as they may interpret this as a threat.
  3. If the dogs start to growl, stop what you are doing and let us know immediately.
  4. Please do not approach or reach into the dogs' crates, as this is their safe space.
  5. If the dogs start fighting, do not attempt to intervene. Let us handle the situation.
  6. In the unlikely event that a dog attacks you, remain calm and still. Cross your arms over your chest and avoid eye contact until we can intervene.

Additional dog safety tips:

  • Do not disturb the dogs while they are eating, sleeping, or chewing on a toy.
  • Always let the dogs sniff you before petting them, and avoid petting them on the head.
  • Do not run or make sudden movements around the dogs, as this may trigger their chase instinct.
  • If a dog seems anxious or uncomfortable, give them space and do not force interaction.
  • Do not allow children to interact with the dogs without close adult supervision.
  • Do not encourage or engage in rough play or wrestling with the dogs.
  • Be mindful of your body language and tone of voice around the dogs, as they may interpret certain postures or loud noises as threatening.
  • If you have any open wounds, cuts, or bandages, keep them covered and avoid contact with the dogs to prevent accidental injury or infection.

Keep in mind that dogs are animals and may behave instinctively if scared or anxious. Accidents can happen even with the friendliest dogs. For everyone's well-being, please do not approach or interact with the dogs without checking with us first.

Your safety is our top priority. If you have any concerns whatsoever, please let us know right away so we can address them. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!